The Siege Pack, alas, was never released for DOS, so simply installing that over it doesn't fix it. For example, if you desired to buy ale, you'd have to click a couple hundred times to get +5 happiness. However, on 1.00, it seems there was a bug where if you pressed and held an arrow button while purchasing something, it wouldn't automatically increase. If I use just a plain Lords of the Realm 2 install, I can even get the game working in Lords 2 v. I've actually had some levels of success: By copying l2d.exe into the GOG Lords of the Realm 2 folder, I can start it up in DOS. Playing through a LAN is still available.I've been attempting to get Lords of the Realm 2 working in DOSBOX specifically for use on a tablet.

Multiplayer notice: Playing over the Internet is no longer possible. Take on up to 4 friends in multiplayer and prove yourself a Lord among your peers.Lead your people: Plant crops, collect taxes, build weapons, raise armies and wage war!.Design your castles, from inexpensive wooden keeps to impregnable stone fortresses.Be as hands-on or hands-off as you like – your Steward will help manage your kingdom.