Naughty Dog/Sony Interactive Entertainment And you spend a lot of time hiding behind cover and popping out to shoot dozens of faceless mercenary bad guys in the head. You climb through old ruins and up mountainsides.

Though players are controlling a new main character in the form of Chloe, most of the core gameplay is standard to the nearly decade-old series at this point. That doesn’t mean that Uncharted: The Lost Legacy gives up on all of the series’ goofy gameplay concessions, however. As the story moves along, it becomes increasingly clear that Chloe legitimately cares about her country’s past and, indeed, a future that’s being threatened by the raging civil war. As someone with Indian heritage, Chloe isn’t simply looking to raid the ancient prizes of her culture. The Lost Legacy also attempts to solve an issue I’ve seen the Uncharted series faulted for in the past: It gives the main character a personal connection to both the treasure being hunted and (more importantly) the setting itself. It makes for some very entertaining and tense scenes as these two slowly progress from barely standing each other to maybe sort of being friends. It’s a clash of personalities stronger than anything the series has had before. Nadine, on the other hand, is dead serious to a fault and goes out of her way to hold others at a distance. She is, basically, the perfect female mirror of Nathan Drake. Chloe is constantly joking she’s kind of selfish and she always fucks up and makes people mad at her. The dichotomy between Chloe and Nadine makes for a perfect pairing. But in reality, multiplayer isn’t why I’ve ever gone to the Uncharted series if that’s a primary draw for you, you may want to seek out a secondary opinion more focused on that element. It’s approachable enough to jump into a game anytime, though I much prefer the wave-based co-op options to the competitive mode. In addition to including the full multiplayer component from Uncharted 4, The Lost Legacy has a new co-op “Survival Arena Mode.” I had limited time with the multiplayer prior to launch, but my feelings are about the same as they were for the previous game’s multiplayer: It’s.